All projects

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Dad joke generator

This is a quick app that I build for fun to generate random dad jokes. I wanted to work with Axios a bit and has a simple API to work with. The app is simple- it will generate a "dad joke" on load and subsequently when pressing the "new joke" button, without re-rendering the page.

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An online business I built from the ground up. This site is built on WordPress and uses a page builder called Elementor. I wanted to get an MVP up and running quickly, with functionality that I wasn't able to build at the time, such as paywalled content, a Stripe integration and different user levels. I am rebuilding this site from the ground up using Next.js

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NHL machine learning model

I built this NHL machine learning model using Python and some standard libraries such as Pandas, Numpy, SkLearn and more. It takes advanced game-by-game stats that I have scraped into a MySQL database going back to the 2009 season. From there, it performs some adjustments to the data, ensuring there is no look-ahead bias and then performs a logistic regression. The accuracy score is roughly 57% and it has been a very strong performer for me.

PythonSQLMachine Learning
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Web-ception! I built this site using all of the technologies I love working with most. I wanted to have a fast, responsive website with great functionality and the ability to easily add or change things without having to spend days doing so. The site is built with Next.js, an amazing Node / React framework and for the backend I am using Strapi, an amazing headless CMS, along with PostgreSQL and GraphQL.

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Notflix- Netflix clone

This is a work in progress, but I wanted to build this as it has a lot of components. I am building it with Next.js and trying out Tailwind for the CSS. I am also implementing next-auth, which is a cool package that allows for easy authentication / sign-in. I will also be using a movie API to bring in information about different movies and television shows. This is a larger undertaking, but I am excited about it!

Next.jsTailwind CSSNext-AuthAPIVercelAxios
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Waves music app

This music app was built using React and SaSS. It is responsive, features a slide-out library menu, and functions like any typical music app would. It can play/ pause, track through the song, skip forward and back. Next iterations would be including a shuffle/ loop option and possibly a volume control.

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